The theater once again becomes the main protagonist of cultural events in Linares with the XXIV Vicente del Moral Conference, which gives space to the city's theater groups.
Twelve works of a different nature, from drama to comedy, passing through history, complete these theater days that are a source of pride for the cultural spectrum of this city. All the performances will take place at the Cervantes de Linares Theater in the evening hours. Tickets are already on sale.
The Vicente del Moral Theater Days were created in 1996, the year in which different theater groups agreed to perform classics and works by Linares authors through amateurs and amateur groups.
Music, dance and theater by national and international artists make up the International Festival of Music and Performing Artsin Linares, FIMAE.
The contest presents a program with proposals for all audiences with the aim of boosting the cultural offer in the city, in spaces such as the Cervantes Theater, theToto
Andrés Segovia Foundation, the Chapel of the Marqueses, the Plaza del Ayuntamiento or El Pósito.
Under the influence of its mining history, Linares is today an open, cosmopolitan and welcoming city that holds numerous festivals and events throughout the year. Throughout the year, the months are marked in red with events of National Tourist Interest, such as Holy Week in Linares, the Royal Fair and Festivities of San Agustín, the International Festival of Music and Performing Arts, among others. The festivities share the limelight with numerous events, congresses, international contests and sports competitions of various kinds throughout the year.
National Taranta Contest "City of Linares"